Mandamus Success: 10 Steps to Overcome Immigration Delays Now

Filing a mandamus action against the government to compel action on an immigration case is a legal recourse available when there has been an unreasonable delay in processing. Mandamus is a court order that compels a government agency or official to fulfill a duty owed to an individual. Here’s an overview of the steps involved in filing a mandamus action:

  1. Evaluate Eligibility:

Before pursuing a mandamus action, assess whether your immigration case has experienced unreasonable delay. This typically involves waiting for a significantly longer period than the normal processing times for your type of case.

  1. Gather Documentation:

Collect all relevant documentation related to your immigration case, including application forms, correspondence with USCIS or other immigration authorities, receipts, and any evidence of communication or requests for updates.

  1. Consult with an Attorney:

Seek guidance from an experienced immigration attorney who can assess the merits of your case, evaluate the potential for success with a mandamus action, and provide legal representation throughout the process.

  1. Draft the Complaint:

Work with your attorney to draft a complaint to be filed in federal district court. The complaint should outline the details of your immigration case, including the application type, filing date, and specific instances of unreasonable delay or inaction by the government agency.

  1. File the Complaint:

File the complaint in the appropriate federal district court. Typically, this is the district court where you reside or where the immigration agency responsible for your case is located.

  1. Serve the Defendants:

Serve copies of the complaint and summons to the defendants named in the lawsuit, which may include the relevant government agencies and officials responsible for processing your immigration case. Proper service ensures that the defendants are aware of the legal action against them.

  1. Await Response:

After filing the complaint and serving the defendants, await their response. The government may file a motion to dismiss the case or provide a response addressing the allegations of delay.

  1. Litigation Process:

Engage in the litigation process, which may involve pre-trial motions, discovery, and hearings. Your attorney will represent your interests in court proceedings and advocate for a favorable outcome.

  1. Court Decision:

The court will review the arguments presented by both parties and issue a decision on whether to grant the mandamus relief. If the court determines that the government has unreasonably delayed action on your immigration case, it may issue a mandamus order directing the agency to adjudicate your case within a specified timeframe.

  1. Follow-Up and Compliance:

Monitor the government’s compliance with the court’s order and follow up with your attorney as needed to ensure timely adjudication of your immigration case.

Conclusion: Mandamus as a Legal Recourse


Filing a mandamus action against the government for immigration delays is a complex legal process that requires careful evaluation, documentation, and legal representation. By working with an experienced immigration attorney and adhering to the procedural requirements, individuals can seek recourse for unreasonable delays and compel action on their immigration cases through the courts.

Consulting with your attorney can help identify potential alternatives or backup plans if your current case experiences significant delays. At Qazi Law, you will get an initial comprehensive consultation that can ultimately enlighten the majority of your questions regarding your case. Call us at 630-504-0648 or click here to avail our free case evaluation! You may also directly book a consultation with Atty. Farrah Qazi by simply clicking this link.

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