New Asylum Ban: Facing the Border Crisis and Navigating the Biden Administration’s New Policy

A new asylum ban will go into effect on June 5, 2024, unless it faces legal challenges that could block its implementation. This significant policy change aims to address the increasing number of migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. In this post, we’ll delve into the details of the Biden administration’s new asylum ban, what it entails, and its broader implications for migrants and immigration law.

What Does the Biden Asylum Ban Do?

The new asylum ban allows authorities to quickly deport or send back to Mexico migrants who cross the U.S.-Mexico border illegally without the opportunity to claim asylum. However, this measure will only be enforced when migrant arrests surpass 2,500 per day for a week. This threshold aims to manage the influx of migrants and reduce the strain on the immigration system.

Will These Measures ‘Close’ the Border?

Contrary to what some might believe, these restrictions will not completely “close” the border. The measures specifically target migrants crossing between official ports of entry. For individuals seeking to approach a legal port of entry, access will remain open through a government-run cell phone app that facilitates appointments. Additionally, those who are eligible for specific parole programs or temporary work visas can still enter.  The ban also exempts unaccompanied minors, individuals facing serious medical or safety threats, and victims of trafficking. This is critical because you can STILL seek juvenile visas and T visas even with this ban in place! These exceptions highlight the administration’s attempt to balance border control with humanitarian considerations.

Implications for Migrants Already in the U.S.

If you are already in the United States, you can still seek asylum. However, it’s important to be aware that wait times for asylum cases are at a record high. This makes it crucial to explore other immigration relief options that might be available to you. For instance, VAWA, T visa, and U visa are viable alternatives even if you have an asylum case pending. These visas often result in faster processing times, offering a more immediate solution to your immigration status. Be sure to check out our previous blog on securing legal status for those with illegal entry here, where we dive deeper into additional immigration relief options and provide detailed guidance on how to navigate these alternatives. If you haven’t yet, now is the time to contact us to get a free case evaluation on what other options are available to you.

Why Act Now?

Asylum Ban

Takver from Australia, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

This election cycle is expected to be pivotal for immigration law. With potential changes on the horizon, it’s imperative to take steps to secure your immigration status as soon as possible. If you’re still deciding whether to fix your papers, now is the time to act. The landscape of immigration law is constantly evolving, and acting swiftly can help ensure that your options remain open and that you are better positioned to navigate any future legal changes.

The new asylum ban marks a significant shift in U.S. immigration policy, aiming to manage the flow of migrants at the border while still providing other pathways for legal entry. Understanding the specifics of this policy and its implications is crucial for those affected. For migrants already in the U.S., exploring alternative immigration relief options and acting promptly can make a substantial difference in securing a stable future. Stay informed and take proactive steps to navigate this evolving legal landscape. 

Need Help Navigating the New Asylum Ban?

Understanding the complexities of the new asylum ban can be challenging, especially with its detailed requirements and exceptions. It’s essential to have knowledgeable guidance to ensure you or your loved ones are taking the right steps. Fortunately, you don’t have to face this alone.

If you need assistance with understanding how the new asylum ban might affect you, or if you require help with any other immigration issues, don’t hesitate to contact us at 630 504-0648 or book an appointment by clicking here. Let us provide you with the expert support and guidance you need to navigate these changes and secure your future. Call us today at 630 504-0648 for a FREE CASE EVALUATION!

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