T Visa: Rescuing a Human Trafficking Victim from Diplomat’s Abuse

T Visa provides a life-changing opportunity for victims of human trafficking to gain legal status in the United States. In the case of Shanti Gurung, a T Visa was her lifeline to escape a horrific situation.

In 2006, Shanti Gurung, just 17 years old, arrived in the United States to work as a domestic aid to Jogesh and Neena Malhotra. Neena Malhotra was appointed as the Counselor of Press, Culture, Information, Education, and Community Affairs at the Consulate General of India in Manhattan. Gurung was promised a job that consisted of light cleaning, cooking, and managing the residence. She was excited to come to the United States and to obtain such a wonderful job.

However, what she actually experienced was drastically different than what was promised.

The Horrific Reality of Shanti Gurung’s Employment

T Visa

In 2010, the reality of Shanti Gurung’s experience became apparent in a lawsuit against Malhotras for involuntary servitude. While employed for several years, Shanti was only paid once for 5,500 rupees (less than $120).

Gurung was subjected to work 16 hours a day and was forced to sleep on the floor, even though there were available beds in the Malhotra residence. When she arrived in the United States, the Malhotras took away her passport so that she could not leave and was not allowed to contact her friends and family back home in India. Shanti was only allowed to leave the residence for errands and was not given adequate clothing to wear when going outside during the winter months in New York.

The Malhotras often withheld food from Gurung and only allowed her to eat their leftovers. She was also not allowed to eat her own cuisine.  Within the 40 months she worked for the Malhortas, she had lost about 60lbs and weighed only 87 lbs when she finally escaped in July 2009.

In 2012, the US court awarded her a judgment of $1,458,335 against the Malhotras based on these findings. As of 2016, the judgment remains unpaid.

T Visa: An Escape From Human Trafficking for Undocumented Immigrants

Unfortunately, many migrants and foreign workers are subjected to similar abuse. Often, the workers believe they do not have the power to advocate for their rights. This is simply untrue. My firm is dedicated to giving you the voice you need to advocate for yourself and obtain a green card.

If you have a situation like Shanti Gurung’s and have been exploited by your employers, you may be eligible to obtain T nonimmigrant status (T Visa).

This Visa is available to victims of human trafficking which is how such exploitation is defined.  The T visa is a life-changing opportunity for you to gain legal status in the United States and advocate for yourself in the process. It allows you to escape a cycle of abuse and exploitation while gaining the stability and protection you deserve, as a permanent resident of the United States.

Our firm has helped many individuals in similar situations. We provide comprehensive legal support to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the justice you deserve. The process might seem daunting, but with the right legal assistance, you can navigate it successfully and reclaim your life.

To find out your eligibility for this incredible T visa program, call us at 630-504-0648 or click here to avail our free case evaluation. You may also directly book a consultation with Atty. Farrah Qazi by simply clicking this link.

For another inspiring story, read about Rubina’s Journey from human trafficking to freedom with the help of a T Visa. Her story highlights the vital role the T Visa plays in rescuing victims from abuse and helping them rebuild their lives. You can find her full story here.

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